SNT's auto parts business develops and produces core parts for driving motors supplied to eco-friendly hybrids, electric vehicles, and hydrogen fuel cell vehicles based on global competitiveness, as well as motors for automobiles, electronic devices/automotive electronics, and high-quality power trains, contributing a lot to the development of the national industry.
SNT’s defense business plays a pivotal role for force enhancement of Korean army and makes a great contribution to self-reliance of national defense. It also receives credit for its technology and quality through exports to the world market.
Since first introduction of finning technology in Korea, SNT’s ceaseless efforts by having high-frequency finning technology, etc. have resulted in being ranked No.1 in the world’s market share for the air fin cooler, which takes the company to the height of international success in the fields of power generation and petrochemical plant.
It always strives to make next take-offs as financial institution and service enterprise, which reach forward to the best with the enterprising sprit of ‘future orientation’. It will reward with constant and challenging innovation and passionate service in a fast-changing society.
SNT was changed into a holding company system through spin-offs which divided the investment and manufacturing sections into a continuing entity (current SNT Holdings) and a new entity (current SNT Energy) respectively in 2008 so as to raise shareholder value through transparent management.
SNT is growing into a global enterprise through more than 10 foreign affiliates.